Pure Pharmaceuticals Industries.

Pure Pharmaceuticals Industries.


Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.

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+962 6 592 0801

Q. Nour St., Housing Bank Complex, Off.: 516 P.O. Box: 11814 Amman 140220, Jordan


Produce essential medications

Such as normal saline, Dextrose, and lactated ringers which Jordan is in shortage of and relies mainly on imports to fulfill the local market demand.

Reduce unemployment rate

By creating a large number of work opportunities in the next few years.

Provide good paying jobs

Jobs with benefits such as health insurance for our employees and their families along with capacity building to achieve a highly skilled team.

Contribute to the economy

By providing locally manufactured medications at reasonable prices, especially during times such as the covid-19 pandemic, where the company plans to sell its products to the government at reduced prices.

Make Jordan self-sufficient in essential medications.

In addition, help neighbouring countries with similar challenges.


The environmental side is also crucial to the company to become an example of an environmentally friendly factory, which will be achieved by:

1- Relying on renewable energy sources by gradually adding solar panels to power up the factory and achieve energy independence and carbon neutrality.

2- Using of no emission vehicles in the production area to reduce carbon footprint.

3- Recycling waste water from the production process to be used for green areas.